Highway 13 Church of Christ

BIBLE STUDY AND WORSHIP TIMES: Sunday Morning Bible Study - 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Morning Worship - 10:00 a.m.; Sunday Evening Worship - 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening Bible Study - 7:00 p.m. We, the Highway 13 church of Christ, are a group of people who believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of our lives and in the Holy Bible as God’s inspired and authoritative will for man. We strive to follow God’s word without adding to or taking away from its instructions, and we are happy and content to study its pages daily and follow its lessons completely in our lives. Our worship is simple and conducted with proper attitude and action. Our pattern for worship is based upon the teachings and examples found in scripture and is designed to please God rather than men. It is our sincere goal to be the church that was bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and is described for all to discover in the pages of the New Testament. If you share our desire to love God and keep His commandments, come and worship with us. You will be glad you did!
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Hidden Treasure